Look beautiful wherever you go !
Adorned with the designer Miara Earrings, to match your every party dress and evening dress,
This brightly cascading pair of Me Myself Designer Earrings wiil addto the glamour.
A designers touch, with a row of classic pearls that graces the lower half of the bali
Also comes with a original packing box for safe storage.
Beautiful Artificial Designer jewellery wear by Me Myself brands available at SafeShopIndia.com
People also ask [saswp_tiny_multiple_faq headline-0=”h2″ question-0=”Is this Me Myself brand Jewellery real or fake ?” answer-0=”This is Designer artificial jewellery of Me Myself brand, that is also available from Safe Shop India” image-0=”” headline-1=”h2″ question-1=”Is this Miara Artificial Earrings of good quality ?” answer-1=”This is of excellent quality, well designed , and made with high quality materials and processes” image-1=”” headline-2=”h2″ question-2=”How do I keep my jewellery safe ?” answer-2=”It comes packed in a box, that you should keep, to place the earrings in , after use.” image-2=”” headline-3=”h2″ question-3=”Is the quality of Me Myself artificial jewellery good enough to parties and ceremonies ?” answer-3=”Definitely” image-3=”” headline-4=”h2″ question-4=”Where can I buy the Miarra Earrings online ?” answer-4=”You can buy online the Designer Earrings from SafeShopIndia.com” image-4=”” count=”5″ html=”true”]